RSS web feeds and podcasting are hot technologies, and
NewsFire is even hotter. Packed with features, blindingly simple to use, and ground-breakingly elegant,
NewsFire is the ultimate RSS experience for the Mac.
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a booming technology for sharing information on the web. Popular news sites like Yahoo!, BBC News, The New York Times, CNET and Wired, along with tens of thousands of personal blogs and independant media sites all publish RSS feeds that you can subscribe to.
A Dynamic Performance
NewsFire is the first RSS reader to use animation to alert you to news and convey meaning. Watch your feeds and groups swoop around as news streams in. |
Smart Feeds
NewsFire takes feed organization to the next level, letting you create smart feeds that match whatever criteria you want. |
Groups and Labels
NewsFire lets you group and label your feeds, so you control the news reading experience. |
Intelligent Search
Search for news, blogs, and podcasts everywhere directly in NewsFire and save the results as live feeds. Even cooler, NewsFire articles show up in Spotlight. |
Blog Editor & del.icio.us Integration
If you run your own blog and use an editor like Mars Edit or ecto, you can easily post articles you come across in NewsFire. It's just as easy to bookmark links with del.icio.us. |
The 'Angelina Jolie of applications'
Hand-crafted from sheet metal and plastic gel, NewsFire exudes sex appeal. |
Podcasting with Style
NewsFire makes it dead simple to get started listening to podcasts - the 21st century's pirate radio. Search, download and listen to podcasts directly within NewsFire using the innovative download player window or export them to iTunes for later listening.
Integrated Player
Listen to audio content directly inside NewsFire in it's unique integrated audio player window. |
Podcast Search
Searching for audio content on the web is trivial with NewsFire's built-in podcast search. |
iTunes Integration
One click to download a podcast, one click to add it to iTunes is as complicated as it gets. |
Automatic Downloads
If you really dig a podcast, NewsFire can download, play, and export the podcast automatically. |